Charter approach could be useful in other areas


While voting yesterday on the charter school amendment, I realized the grand potential of this concept. Imagine how lithe would be life if we expand our freedoms with an extended set of similar amendments to touch every aspect of our existences.

By creating state commissions answerable to no one, we could easily circumvent locally elected officials with their hyper-sensibilities to the electorate and stilted protocols for approving community modifications.

When the county commission refuses a new road to my home, I merely call the road commission, and presto, the money is allocated while bypassing those pesky locals.

Need a liquor store in Fayetteville? No problem. The beverage commission can handle the authorization and even allow 24-hour access. After all, the mayor and the church folk are so passé.

Tired of those vexatious speed confines in Tyrone and their aggressive enforcement? The traffic commission can double the limits, and you can speed by Tyrone’s Finest with mocking gestures.

How about a landfill in that empty lot you can’t sell? The zoning commission provides a relief tonic from those persistent “little people” who carp endlessly about sanitation and property values.

The possibilities are endless.

Using the charter school amendment blueprint, plenty of helpful “advisers” will flow in from out of state. If you think the Governor and Georgia legislators are ethically-challenged, just consider how simple it will be to “convince” unelected appointees of our persecution by the county commissions, town councils, and development authorities.

Sure, it adds another level of government, but this is pliable government that understands the needs of moneyed citizens.

So stick it to the principal and vote YES to the charter school amendment, and let’s set a precedent that promises many return dividends. Like Humphrey Bogart said to Claude Rains at the close of Casablanca, “Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

David Aycock

Fayetteville, Ga.