Hope and change


In 2008 then Presidential candidate Obama ran on a platform of “Hope and Change.” He certainly delivered change.

After four years of failing policies, our country is experiencing massive unemployment, spiraling deficits, and diminished military capabilities.

However, in her recent column Bonnie Willis suggests that we should ignore such a dismal record because he still remains a beacon of hope.

What am I missing? Four years ago a relatively inexperienced community organizer didn’t have a track record and some people could easily be moved by his message of hope. These people hoped that he could fulfill his promise of reaching across the aisle to enact bipartisan legislation and to unify our nation.

Instead, he has engaged in divisive class war tactics, and our Congress is more polarized than ever before. These people hoped that he could fulfill his promise of leading a truly open and transparent government.

Instead, his administration refuses to provide requested documentation to the Committee investigating the Fast and Furious debacle, makes back room deals to garner the requisite votes for ObamaCare, and continually changes its story about what it did or didn’t know about the terrorist attack at the Benghazi Consulate.

Ms. Willis further states that the President continues to embody a transcendent hope especially for those in the African-American community. Really? Has President Obama been the answer to the hopes of Black America?

As shocking as the national unemployment rate might be, it pales in comparison with the rate within the African-American community, and the number of people in that community needing food stamps is skyrocketing.

And speaking of social programs, I am offended by Ms. Willis’ suggestion that the liberals have cornered the market on compassion. In reality, conservatives are more compassionate because they understand that no one is really better off having to rely on the government, and that the socialistic approach of redistributing wealth has never worked.

Ms. Willis, I too have hope. I hope that those who cast their vote for Obama in 2008 will remember and heed the wisdom of the old adage, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

Scott Fabricius, Esq.

Fayetteville, Ga.