Survey tests tax hike for county recreation


Fayette County residents receiving county water bills are being asked to participate in an online survey on how to address future park and recreation needs.

What is not mentioned in the water bill notice is that three of the final four of the survey’s list of 38 online questions are queries about support for raising county taxes for new or improved recreation facilities.

In addition to asking for each participant’s “wish list” the survey also asks whether the residents favor paying for recreation improvements via a 1 percent special local option sales tax, a bond issue or more taxes.

Covering the wide variety of recreation offerings from youth and adult sports to cultural and education programs, the survey seeks input on the various activities that each household participates in, and it even asks about whether recreation fees are considered to be too high or not.

The survey is available at It will close at midnight Feb. 15, so residents are encouraged to participate as soon as possible.

The county is undertaking the survey this year in an effort to shape the programs, activities and services the department will offer in the future, according to the survey’s introduction.

Information on the survey was mailed to all Fayette County Water System customers as part of the monthly water bills, but that left out residents who use well water and thus are not water system customers, which has drawn complaints from some residents.

The survey on several occasions leaves room for residents to allow additional comment beyond the initial response sought.

Residents without access to a personal computer are asked to call the parks and recreation department for assistance at 770-716-4320.