Fayette Master Gardener Association awards 16 certificates of achievement


Sandy Edwards (1st on right) Horticulture Program Assistant, and Kim Jackson (6th from left), Fayette County Agriculture Agent awarded 16 Certificates of Achievement for outstanding volunteer service at the annual Fayette Master Gardener Association holiday luncheon. Master gardener resource volunteers are required to complete 25 hours of volunteer work each year to retain their certification. The following went far beyond their service requirements with over 100 hours: Vauna Bellury, Harry Bolton, John Boyden, Barbara Buzzard, Jan Fruit, Bonnie Helander, Sue Nelson, JoAnn Wright. Over 200 hours: Myriam Cousin, Patsy DeLauder, Jane Langford, Janet Lester, Jim Stichweh, Tom Wilson. Over 300 hours: Cynthia McCrary, Karen McKernan. For more information on the master gardener program, which is under the leadership of the UGA Cooperative Extension, call 770-305-5412, ext. 7.