Mayor-elect says thanks to Steele


As I write this, I have had a couple of days to reflect on my recent victory in the Fayetteville mayoral race and many expressions of gratitude are in order.

First, I would like to express my gratitude to all the voters who took the time to go to the polls and vote, including those who voted for my opponent. Everybody has an opinion, but yours only counts if you make the effort to vote.

Second, thank you to all who allowed a yard sign to be placed in their yard.

Third, thank you to those who took time to wave signs at various locations around town.

Fourth, thank you to anyone who spoke with friends, neighbors and relatives and asked them to vote.

Finally, I thank Mayor Steele and the current City Council members for keeping the city in good shape financially, especially during the current economic downturn.

Mayor Steele has served in the U.S. military and has served the city of Fayetteville for over 20 years. The voters made it clear last Tuesday that they think he has served long enough, but we can still appreciate that he devoted many years to public service and did a lot of good for our community during that time.

The election results are a strong reminder that all public officials are answerable to the electorate and that, at this time, the voters are not happy with the direction that the current mayor and council have been taking our city.

As my signs said I was “Giving Fayetteville a Choice.” You made it clear at the polls that you liked that choice; I hope to serve in such a way that you will be still be happy with the choice at the end of my term.

The Bible says, “If the Lord doesn’t watch the city, the watchman watches in vain” and to “pray for all men in authority, that we may live peaceable lives.” So please do pray for the City Council, the state government and the national government.

As I write this, it is Veteran’s Day and I will close by saying, God bless our troops and their families, God bless the USA and God bless our city!

Greg Clifton, mayor-elect

Fayetteville, Ga.