Three Rivers approves 1-cent sales tax projects for July 2012 vote


It’s all over until the July 2012 vote. Members of the 10-county Three Rivers Regional Roundtable gave final approval Sept. 29 to the list of transportation projects that, if approved by voters, would fund $850 million for projects region-wide and $211 million in Coweta County through a 10-year 1-cent regional sales tax (TSPLOST). The approved project list has Coweta County receiving 100 percent of the funds it would generate over the 10-year period.

The legislatively-approved House Bill 277 set in motion the July 2012 vote for the TSPLOST across geographic regions of Georgia. Specific to the 10-county Three Rivers area, the TSPLOST gives voters within the area the ability to decide on projects identified by representatives from each of the member counties. Coweta County is represented by Coweta County Commission Chairman Rodney Brooks and Newnan Mayor Keith Brady.

Coweta County Administrator Theron Gay said that, if approved next July by the majority of voters across the 10-county region, the 10-year SPLOST is expected to generate approximately $850 million region-wide and approximately $210.8 million in Coweta County. That statement strikes at the heart of the issue since the vote is contingent upon region-wide approval and not the approval of a given county.

All the revenues generated in the Three Rivers region will stay in the region, said Three Rivers Commission Government Services Director Robert Hiett, adding that nearly all of the region’s counties, including Coweta, will get back 100 percent of the sales tax revenues generated over the 10-year collection period.

Aside from the estimated $850 million that would be raised across the region over the 10-year period, what is in it for Coweta County if the vote is approved? The answer is approximately $210.8 million that would go for a number of projects aimed at addressing transportation needs for a county that has seen very rapid growth over the past few decades, especially in the Newnan area and in east Coweta.

The revenue generated is split into two categories that include $167.5 million, or 75 percent, in Non-Discretionary Share projects with regional significance and $43.3 million in Discretionary Share projects that can be used for any transportation purpose, said Gay.

“With the Non-Discretionary Share there are 21 transportation projects within Coweta County,” Gay said.

Those include:

-I-85 at Poplar Road interchange (partial funding) at $25 million

-SR 154 widening from U.S. 29 to SR 54 at $33.7 million

-Newnan-Coweta Airport runway improvements at $7.9 million

-Lower Fayetteville Road widening at $32.5 million

-SR 16 at SR 54 roundabout at $1.5 million

-SR 34 at Amlajack Boulevard and Parkway North intersection at $495,000

-Newnan southeast bypass extension at $5 million

-SR 16 widening from I-85 to U.S. 29 at $1.26 million

-SR 16/ SR 14 intersection at Pine Road at $1 million

-Newnan Crossing Boulevard East widening at $4 million

-Airport terminal building and site prep at $4.4 million

-Five Points intersection improvement at $2.7 million

-Coweta Transit System existing operating and capital at $598,000 (local share)

-SR 74/SR 85 bridge widening at $2.5 million

-Amlajack Boulevard extension at $8.95 million

-Amlajack Boulevard at I-85 interchange at $8.5 million

-Coweta Transit System expansion at $900,000 (local share)

-SR 34/SR 54 multi-use path at $4.5 million

-SR 34 (Bullsboro Drive) multi-use path at 3.74 million

-Xpress Regional Commuter Service at $17.9 million (local share)

-GRTA Regional Vanpools at $429,000

The projects pertaining to the 25 percent Discretionary Share totaling $43.3 million will be developed by the county and the various municipalities in coming months.

“I’m pleased with Coweta County’s position and, if the vote passes, Coweta will receive its fair share of the revenue generated,” Brooks said after the Sept. 29 meeting.

Gay said a public outreach pertaining to the July 2012 vote will soon be conducted in Coweta County and throughout the 10-county region to update citizens on the various projects.