What are you going to do this summer?


“What are you going to do this summer?” When someone asks you this, I have some suggestions for your answer. Tell them this:

• “I’m going to dedicate myself to worship.”

That’s right. Summer is really a very good time to make your worship of God a high priority in your life. Here at Prince of Peace our worship schedule changes a bit for convenience and choices. We add an Early Peace Chapel Service at 8 a.m. on the first and third Sundays of June, July, and August. Peace Chapel is our beautiful outdoor chapel in the woods right here on our property. It gives us a marvelous place for these special services. Also, Contemporary Service shifts to 9:30, with Traditional Worship at 11 a.m.. Of course, everyone in the community is invited to these, and I draw particular attention to the unique outdoor service. Dress casually. We have chapel benches, but bring your own lawn chair if that would make you more comfortable. In the shade of stately old oak trees and in the cool of the morning, it is quite comfortable even on hot summer days.

If you are a faithful member of your church, double check your summer worship schedule and be a faithful worshipper at your church. I know there will be days and even weeks when you’ll be away on vacation or visiting family and friends. What we always say at Prince of Peace is simply, “If I’m in town, I’m in church.”

• “I’m going to develop myself spiritually.”

Summer is also a wonderful time for this. Bible reading and study, daily personal and family prayers and devotions, reading inspiring books, and finding good spiritual websites for information and inspiration are all perfect for the summer. Believe it or not, sometimes we have more time in the summer for these encounters with God than during the rest of the busy year. Also, registering your children for Vacation Bible School and making sure they get there is one of the best activities of the summer. Here at Prince of Peace we are offering VBS to anyone in the community, kindergarten through eighth grade. No charge, but you must register. It will be Monday through Friday, June 13-17, 9 a.m. – noon. You can register online at www.princeofpeacefayette.com or call 770-461-3403 or come by the church on Hwy. 314 between Lowes and The Pavilion. I invite you and certainly recommend this for you and your family.

• “I’m going to do for others.”

There are planned “Mission Trips” for sure, but don’t forget that every day wherever we are as Christians is a “Mission Trip.” Look for opportunities to help others in Christ’s Name. Be intentional to “give yourself away” in the Love of Jesus. Look around in your neighborhood and find someone you and your family can help. Even now after rather severe summer storms is a timely opportunity for this. Summer is a great time for “Doing Extra for Others.”

• “I’m going to draw others in.”

Again, summer is perfect for this. Invite, invite, invite. Bring family and friends to worship services. Again, summer church schedules and summer services are “exciting” and perfect for inviting others. And, of course, invite friends, family, and neighborhood kids to go with your kids to Vacation Bible School. Wow! This is a terrific opportunity to “draw others in.” Many of you have already invited someone for something this summer. Let’s all make this a part of our summer.

• “I’m going to delight in friendships and fellowship.”

Be sure to get together and have fun and laugh and play and enjoy life together. God likes to see His children of all ages play together and care for one another.

• “I’m going to display excellence in management and stewardship.”

Keeping up with our offerings during the summer is so important. Please do so at your church. Here at Prince of Peace we are being asked by our Council to participate in the “100 Days of Giving” campaign, which will allow us to “celebrate” a special day this summer by giving a special gift beyond our regular tithe and offerings and designating the reason for the “celebration.” This might be a birthday or birthdays, anniversary, first or last day of vacation, or “in honor of” or “in memory of” a loved one, or any other occasion that makes one of these summer days special. Or the suggestion is simply to pick a day you will make special with your offering. We’re signing up on a special calendar in the entry to the church hoping to fill all 100 Days.

What a full, exciting, and fulfilling summer you will have if you will answer and live like this!

What I have shared here are our “6 D’s of Purpose,” which we teach and follow here at Prince of Peace. They give us a meaningful and memorable way to navigate each day in the way of The Lord. I also invite you to adopt them for not only the summer, but for every day of your life.

Contact Kollmeyer at www.princeofpeacefayette.com.