10 unanswered questions for our Fayette County commissioners


The public comment portion of [Fayette County] Commission meetings allows for citizens to voice their opinion or questions. It is a one-sided affair. It would appear that the board members listen but there is no way to know for sure. The board does not get into discussion with the citizens. Many of these opinions lead to questions that never get answered. Listed below are some of those questions.

(1) [Commissioner Lee] Hearn had more then two weeks to reveal his relationship to Mr. [Addison] Lester regarding his appointment to the Board of Elections. Mr. Lester also had two weeks to reveal this information. I think this reveals a character flaw in both men. Did both men think being related was not a important fact?

(2) Mr. Hearn said Mr. Lester was someone he knew from church. Mr. Hearn also said he has only spoken to Mr. Lester maybe five times in the last year. Was church his only contact?

(3) Would it be wise for Mr. Lester to resign this position considering that Mr. Hearn may be running for reelection in 2012?

(4) When did Commissioner Frady and Horgan become aware of Mr. Hearn’s relationship to Mr. Lester? Is it the chairman’s job to investigate appointments prior to moving forward with a vote to appoint?

(5) Is there a better way to honor our veterans than by naming a road that steals property from private citizens, is destroying lives, and has no particular purpose other then a gift to developers?

(6) How did developers know to buy 1,200 acres of land on the West Fayetteville Bypass, and when did they know it? Should developers build their own roads?

(7) Why does a city of 13,000 need any bypass?

(8) Why was the county in an excellent fiscal position during the primaries last August 2010 and then require a tax increase in January 2011, according to our county manager? Were expenses being delayed or pushed forward to 2011 to benefit incumbents running for reelection? Was the remaining board aware of this, and said nothing?

(9) Does the county manager have any responsibility to the people or just to the the Board of Commissioners?

(10) Would a transparent, ethical government already have provided the answers to these questions?

Ray Watt

Peachtree City, Ga.