Recycling doubles in PTC


The recently-adopted requirement for all waste haulers in Peachtree City to offer recycling has paid big dividends, according to city statistics.

The city’s recycling rate has doubled from 23 percent to 46 percent. Moreover, the recycling increase has led to an increase in the amount of material diverted from the landfill, with the number jumping from 4 percent before the recycling options were required to 12 percent after.

The city does not mandate that residents recycle, but each waste hauling company operating in the city is required to offer curbside recycling pickup.

The recycling program has been so popular that companies have begun using larger rolling carts for recyclables instead of the small hand-carried curbside containers that were initially in use. Along with the size change, the companies could back off to making recycling pickups less often.

The city is also generating revenue from the waste haulers via a franchise fee of $1 for each customer in the city, with that figure tallied on a quarterly basis. Those funds are used to underwrite the city’s Keep Peachtree City Beautiful program.

So far the fees have generated $35,138 in revenue for the city, officials said.

City spokesperson Betsy Tyler noted that of about 58 citizen complaints against waste haulers this year, most are due to problems that occur when companies have merged. Problems reported include missed pickups on recycling and garbage and operations prior to 7 a.m.

The companies have been “very responsive” when the city sends emails explaining the problems, Tyler said.

The waste haulers also have been notifying the city when trash service is discontinued for non-payment so the city can make sure rubbish is not accumulating on those properties, she added.