Man surrenders on warrants charging hotel hijinks with 2 non-consenting female coworkers in May 2022


A Virginia man is free on bond after turning himself in to Peachtree City police for charges related to an incident last year in a local hotel.

Steven Kruyne, 34, of Charlottesville, Va., surrendered July 27 after returning to Peachtree City voluntarily, according to a police spokesman. This was due to warrants having been issued for felony counts of peeping Tom and unlawful eavesdropping as well as a misdemeanor charge of sexual battery. According to the Fayette County Jail, he was released on bond the next day.

The arrest stemmed from an incident in May of 2022 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Peachtree City, where the suspect and the two female victims were staying while they attended a work conference, police said.

Officers responded to a call from hotel management about activities regarding a suspicious male. A review of video footage showed the suspect socializing with the victims to the point that the females were quite intoxicated.

“It appeared on film that he was trying to inebriate them,” according to the police spokesman. “He had gone and gotten numerous alcoholic beverages at the hotel and was having them partake way more than he was.”

They eventually returned to their rooms, and the suspect was caught on video taking his cell phone and sticking it under the doors of both females’ rooms. At one point, according to police, he talked his way into one of the rooms and did not come out for four or five hours.

At some point during the night, one of the victims awoke and realized that the suspect was in bed with her, pressing his body against her. She became quite agitated and he tried to explain that it was just a misunderstanding because of how much they had been drinking.

“He had no logical explanation how that actually occurred,” the police spokesman said of the acts for which the suspect was charged.

The sexual battery charge was the result of the unwanted contact, as the suspect “intentionally made contact with his intimate parts up against the victim’s intimate parts without the victim’s consent or desire thereof,” according to the report as read by the police spokesman; in other words, he “tried to spoon against her will,” the spokesman added.

Peachtree City officials never attempted to travel to Virginia to extradite the suspect. As for why he returned of his own volition, officials speculated that he no longer wanted the warrants hanging over his head because of the impact they could have on his job and other aspects of his life.