Time for Horgan to accept responsibility


Fayette County Commissioner Robert Horgan is appealing the ruling of his county ethics violation on the grounds that “he was not acting as a county commissioner at the time of his arrest nor was he in a county-owned vehicle at the time” (emphasis mine). Excuse me but that reasoning just does not hold water.

Many years ago I had a college professor in a business law class tell me that all of our law was based on “The Reasonable Man Theory,” what would a reasonable man think or do in a given situation. Would a reasonable person believe that a police officer, fireman, secretary or any other county employee should not be held accountable for their drug use off duty as well as on duty?

I’d be willing to give odds that any county employee that failed a drug screen or pled guilty to drug charges would be dismissed and our county commissioners would claim the dismissal was for the good of the county.

When taking the oath of office was there a provision to allow for illegal behavior when not at a county meeting? When stopped by a Fayette County citizen would any on the commission not stop and answer questions about the county’s business? No, I believe that when you swear to uphold the laws of the city, county, state or country, that means you swear to uphold them period (again my emphasis).

My personal belief is that Mr. Horgan made a series of very stupid decisions and that it is time to accept responsibility for his own actions.

Perhaps it is time for this gentleman and the rest of our government to remember this phrase, “Opera non verba” (deeds not words).

Edward C. Ragan, II

Peachtree City, Ga.