Town Square Jewelers wants to take your picture, raise money for Relay for Life


Come to Town Square Jewelers by yourself or with your relay team on Thursday, Apr. 15 between 3 and 8 p.m. in your best high heels and get your picture made. 

The pictures will be posted on the Town Square Jewelers Facebook Fan Page.  Invite your friends to come to the our “High Heels 2010” Facebook Photo Album, click on your picture and “like it”. Town Square Jewelers will donate to Relay for Life on behalf of the team with the most comments/likes on their picture. The donation amount will be determined by the number of new fans on our Facebook Fan Page, the number of new followers on Twitter (tsjewelers) and new subscribers to our e-mail newsletter. By asking your friends to become our fans, followers and subscribers you will raise the donation amount by .50 each until we reach $500. Post this event on your Facebook page and forward it to all your friends – the more people who become involved and spread the word- the higher the donation. 

While you are getting your picture made in your snazziest heels, enjoy refreshments.  We encourage high school teams and teams with younger members to join us between 3 and 6 p.m Cocktails will be served from 6-8 p.m. While you are here we invite you to browse the store and play with our new Genesis Living Bridal Catalog of over 475 rings to try on in different styles and shapes including engagement rings, three stone rings and cluster rings. Take advantage of our on going Spring Cleaning Sale with selected merchandise marked at 20-50 percent off just in time for Mother’s Day.  Fill out a Mother’s Day wish list.  Enjoy a free Beauti Control hand massage with Spa Consultant Linda Campbell.  Mary Kay Sales Director, Connie Durham will be on hand with samples and a give away.

Bring in your unwanted gold, silver and platinum to sell.  You will receive the full amount of your sale but Town Square Jewelers will make a donation to the Fayette County Relay for Life based on the total weight purchased that night.

Phone 770-460-7787 or e-mail [email protected] for more information