F’ville delays Pavilion request for more parkway ‘monument’ signs


A variance request by Fayette Pavilion owner/manager Developers Diversified Realty Corp. for additional monument signs along Pavilion Parkway to help draw needed customers was tabled prior to the Dec. 3 Fayetteville City Council meeting for further review. The issue could be taken up at the Dec. 17 meeting.
The Nov. 16 request by DDRC Regional Property Manager Don Jurenek noted the need of retailers along the nearly one-mile stretch of Pavilion Parkway to have their businesses identified in the attempt to help offset the hard economic times being experienced due to the recession.
In his letter Jurenek said many retailers are told by customers that they did not know where the particular store was located inside the Pavilion area. Jurenek also noted that the Pavilion is home to 75 retailers in 44 unique buildings.
City manager Joe Morton said the issue was tabled so that information on several unanswered questions relating to existing signage could be obtained. The existing signage had been approved by variance in prior years, Morton said.
“We wanted to do a comprehensive and coordinated sign package for the entire center,” Morton said.
The issue could be back on the council’s agenda for the Dec. 17 meeting.