Still-secret 178-acre project moves forward with unanimous go-ahead vote by Fayetteville Council

Fayetteville Mayor Ed Johnson at the June 30 Fayetteville City Council meeting.
Fayetteville Mayor Ed Johnson at the June 30, 2022 Fayetteville City Council meeting.

The Fayetteville City Council asked no questions and no answers were given as the group approved without discussion a request by the Fayette County Development Authority to approve the first step to annexing 178 undeveloped acres on the city’s east side.

The staff report — such as it was — said, “Their application does not identify the intended zoning classification or the proposed use of the property.”

As last week’s story related: “And what’s coming there? The FCDA is not telling the public. It presumably is telling Fayetteville officials but likely is requiring them to sign legally binding nondisclosure agreements. Additionally Fayetteville Mayor Ed Johnson sits on the FCDA’s board of directors and knows what the FCDA is wanting to put on the 178 acres.”

And whatever the council knows, it was not telling the residents in the City Hall meeting room April 18.

The one thing that has been disclosed is this: “There are no proposed residential housing units.”

Otherwise, the city council is keeping their lips sealed in public about what this annexation request involves and what it may mean for the public.

In other non-business, the applicant for annexation and rezoning for 273 apartments on East Weatherly Drive off Ga. Highway 54 East asked for and received another delay before presenting the project for a council vote. Coincidentally, the tract is  close to the 178-acre Step One annexation the council approved last week.