Black Friday


Well, it looks like you’ve made it another year — almost. The hurdle of the holidays, overstuffed with physically unhealthy portions of food and fiscally unhealthy credit card bills, still must be jumped. In this economy the bar of self-control has been set really high as we watch our waistlines expand almost as fast as cash disappears out of our wallets.
Once upon a time there was a police officer who noticed that wrecks and traffic increased on a certain day and called it Black Friday.
About the same time some marketing genius out there thought it would be a good idea to tag the busiest retail day of the year with the ominous title of Black Friday.
Go figure, it worked. The economic machine we call capitalism churns at its highest speed this time of the year. And The Boy is part of that machine. He lives in a Big Blue box – a big blue electronic box, to be exact.
He’s a small cog in the machine, but he’s only one of many. While most of us sleep off the turkey, stuffing and that green Jell-O thingy Grandma always brings with her (no, I’m not talking about Grandpa) – the cogs, they’re working.
Thousands of tired employees are already in the soon-to-be crowded retail stores. All night they’ve been stocking shelves and hanging Christmas decorations. Yes, Black Friday is here. Hang on to your wallets. It’s the official kick-off of the buying season.
The scene is the same at all the retail outlets in our fair county. The crowd presses against the entrance at the crack of dawn as a lone store associate – the one who lost the draw – turns a key in the lock. The doors fly open, and the horde thunders in.
If you’re not careful, you’ll be trampled by all those seeking that perfect Christmas gift. A bit ironic, don’t you think? How people can be so rude when buying gifts, but yet be so kind when they give them?
This year I have a suggestion. It’s one that dates back as far as history. Just be nice. Slow down and enjoy the moment — even if that moment is in the middle of a mad rush of people pushing and shoving to buy that latest gizmo.
Gizmos – I think The Boy said he had a sale on those. Maybe I need to get one for The Wife. It’ll go great with that thing-a-ma-jig I got her last Christmas.
Whether it’s the Big Blue Box electronic store, a Mom and Pop place, or food franchise, everyone who works there is someone’s son or daughter, and they’re working on a holiday weekend. Regardless if how rude the patrons are, they have to be nice.
So this year, when you are shopping, please remember the tired employees you encounter and treat them like you would want others to treat your son or daughter. Don’t be rude or naughty. Just be nice.
One last thought. The holidays also bring with them something you can’t buy in the stories – your relatives.
Relatives visit (invade) for the holidays. Whereas it’s always nice to see Uncle Bob and Aunt Jenny, sometimes relatives can overstay their stay.
All is not lost though. If you follow my simple fish rule, you too will know when it’s time to graciously ask them to leave your once happy and quiet home.
Just think of any company this holiday season as fish. A fish is good for about three days. After that it’s bad to have around. It starts to really smell up the house, and it’s time to bag it up and throw it out.
Just do it nicely. You don’t want that bag breaking as you kick it to the curb.