Greiner retires from All Saints


On Sunday, Sept. 27, a reception was held at All Saints Anglican Church in recognition of the Rev. Raymond J. Greiner’s retirement. Greiner has served as an associate rector since 2009 when his former church, Prince of Peace Anglican Church merged with All Saints.  

He served in many capacities from assisting the Rev. Michael Fry with Sunday services, to teaching weekly Bible classes, leading prayer groups and providing pastoral care. He and his wife, Jere are long time residents of Peachtree City. They have three children and five grandchildren.

Greiner served in the U.S. Army Special Counter-Intelligence during the Korean War, was a candidate for the U.S. Senate and  was an area director for the Christian Broadcasting Network before being ordained as a priest in 1997.  

He also has  experience as a corporate trainer, conducting seminars for Companies such as IBM and Xerox.  

He founded Horizons International, Inc. and presented “Christ In the Marketplace” seminars throughout the U.S. and Canada.

All Saints is part of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). It is located east of Peachtree City.