Fayette seeks more input on new rural zoning category


A proposal to create a Planned Unit Development (PUD) category that would allow an incidental business to be run from large acreage residential property was tabled by the Fayette County Commission on March 23 in lieu of having additional public meetings on the issue.

Initially discussed and approved by the Planning Commission in September, the Planned Residential and Business Development (PRBD) zoning category proposal would allow mixed-use development on large-tract property with a principal single-family residence and incidental business use.

The proposed PRBD amendment carries the requirement of at least 75 contiguous acres, operation by the owner/occupier, a maximum of five employees and an operational schedule of 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays.

Commissioners were told that a large-tract property owner affiliated with the movie industry asked about utilizing an accessory structure for the storage and transport of specialized camera equipment.

Two people, both Realtors, spoke in favor of the amendment while 10 persons spoke either in opposition or wanted more information about the proposal.

Commissioners Charles Rousseau, Randy Ognio and Chuck Oddo appeared, at least initially, to give the proposal consideration given that the operation of a small business on a large tract would generate significantly less traffic that a residential subdivision located on similar-sized property.

Their primary concern, however, was geared to having the public understand the specifics of the proposal given that it involved a new component of the PUD zoning district.

To that end, all agreed that additional public meetings be held to explain the proposal and have residents’ questions answered.

Rousseau motioned, and commissioners agreed, that the item be tabled until county staff and the Planning Commission could hold a public meeting that could also serve as a public education session.

That meeting will be held on April 20 at 7 p.m. in the commission chambers. A second meeting might be held before the item returns to the commission for a vote.

Information on the meeting, prior to its occurence, will be posted on the county’s website at www.fayettecountyga.gov.