Tuesday, October 1, 2024
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Southern Conservation Trust is hosting a Volunteer Work Day at Line Creek Nature Center in Peachtree City, off Highway 54 at the Coweta County line, Feb. 13. Volunteers will block eroded trails, clear new trails, and move fallen trees. The Line Creek Work Day is from 12– 4 p.m., weather permitting. Volunteers should bring work gloves and wear hiking...
It’s been a 10-year feast of funding for Fayette County public schools, according to figures from the school system analyzed by The Citizen. The local schools have seen an increase of between 15 percent and 16 percent in numbers of students, but the overall system’s budget during that same period has skyrocketed 68.4 percent. Much of that two-thirds budget increase over...
Peachtree City may soon be considering an ordinance to deal with the growing number of vacant homes left in the wake of the nationwide housing crisis. Some of the vacant homes pose a danger. Peachtree City may soon be considering an ordinance to deal with the growing number of vacant homes left in the wake of the nationwide housing crisis. Some of...
As the former “Baby Kroger” store in the Peachtree Crossings shopping center has remained dark for nearly a year, a deadline is approaching that could impact the immediate future of the 33,000-square-foot space. The Citizen has learned that The Kroger Company has a deadline looming in a matter of weeks to potentially extend its lease on the building, which is...
Postal inspectors are continuing to investigate the Jan. 29 robbery of a postal truck driver at the Fayetteville Post Office. Meanwhile, postal officials have corrected several “areas of vulnerability” that were revealed by a risk assessment in the wake of the robbery, said Postal Inspector Yulanda Burns. “Any vulnerable areas that we did find were corrected for the safety of our...
Armed robbers in the IHOP restaurant parking lot in Fayetteville Sunday night did not make it out of town before being nabbed by police. Two men and a woman were arrested after their vehicle was spotted by an officer on the way to the scene. Twenty-six-year-old Dandre N. Pottninger of Hampton, 26-year-old Zakee S. Tolbert of Riverdale and 21-year-old Debrona...
The final campaign contribution filing period for candidates in the races for the three Fayetteville City Council posts has ended. Here is a look at what each of the six candidates raised and where it came from. Post 3 incumbent Walt White reported a total of $10,101.94 in campaign contributions and $10,115.58 in expenditures. A total of $5,600 in contributions ranged...
Fayette County taxpayers are paying significantly less for legal work after the county commission ditched a contracting process in favor of an in-house staff attorney. Last year, the county’s legal bills totaled just over $233,000 in the first full year under in-house county attorney Scott Bennett. That cost includes not only Bennett’s salary but also payment for consulting services to...
Rep. Matt Ramsey of Peachtree City has introduced two bills to criminally penalize educators who tamper with standardized tests, Gov. Sonny Perdue’s office announced Monday. Under the proposals, anyone who tampers with or facilitates cheating on tests will be guilty of a misdemeanor and may have their teaching certification suspended or revoked. Also, any violators would be subject to the...
The Fayetteville City Council at the Feb. 4 meeting heard the first reading of a change in the city’s purchasing ordinance that permits other city entities to make purchases. The change is designed to provide a consistent set of guidelines for administering purchasing procedures. The only significant alteration to the ordinance would be changing “city council” to “governing body” to...
“What experience and history teach is this — that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it.” (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, “The Philosophy of History,” 1837) Last week, the Newark Star-Ledger reported that New Jersey lost $70 billion in wealth over the past five years. The reason? Affluent people have moved to...
When times get tough, you had better check your priorities. When you view our economic crisis through the prism of what is truly important to our country, a lot of things can be thrown out while we should be truly fighting for others to remain. The recent elections across the country are really about lost priorities. The senatorial race in Massachusetts...
By E. Frank Stephenson The General Assembly convened this year facing the daunting challenge of closing a billion-dollar budget hole, partly caused by the slumping economy and the consequent decrease in tax revenues. Few, if any, forecasters or policy-makers foresaw a recession or revenue decline this sharp. Feckless Washington policy-makers have exacerbated the problem by creating an uncertain investment climate for...
It is the absence of simple things that has made life so complicated. Those simple things cost nothing yet can make you feel like a million bucks. One night during late spring, a friend, who is a legend in the Hollywood movie industry, called and we set about the business of catching up since it had been a couple of...
Last week the Georgia General Assembly was in session for days 9-13 of the 2010 legislative session. Significant work continued in committees all around the Capitol and the flow of bills on the floor of the House began to increase. In addition, several important pieces of legislation were introduced last week in both the House and the Senate. On Thursday...
The Promise Place domestic violence refuge program that helps abused woman and their children now has another way of getting the word out to victims who need help. A public/private partnership is paying for two billboards with organization information in Spalding County. The organization has no outdoor advertising in Fayette County, but it has plenty of people to serve. Promise...

Cop Reports 021010

The following arrests were reported by local law enforcement agencies for the past week. all persons are considered innocent until proven guilty: Fayetteville Police Tuesday, Feb. 2 - Monday, Feb. 8 Jamal Rashad Sims, 20, of Glenwoods Drive, Riverdale, for possession of alcohol by a minor, liquor law violation and traffic offense. Trevor Robert Wheaton, 21, of Rex Road, Ellenwood, for traffic...
As you well know, all of us are going through hard times; money is short. I want to know through your newspaper if anyone other than me is having problems with LP gas. I know the weather is colder, but we are using our furnace the same amount of time, but the gas only lasts for days instead of a...
I have lived in Fayette County for almost 15 years and have been proud of the patriotism exhibited by our citizens toward the flag, the national anthem, and our veterans. On Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2010, I was greatly disturbed by the behavior of the vast majority of 300-plus McIntosh students that attended the basketball game at Starr’s Mill High School....
My response to Matt O’Neal’s letter (Feb. 3) on solving the immediate fiscal needs of our state government is that the government owes its citizens the duty to protect them, and the citizens in turn have the duty to fund their government adequately. As the rich have more to protect than the poor, it’s appropriate they pay more. There’s no...
Recently John Munford wrote a wonderfully written article, “Councilman: PTC has too many workers” (The Citizen, Feb. 3, 2010). At a time where spending has gotten so out of control with federal and local governments, Imker brings common-sense economics back. This lone wolf seems to be making a huge splash for a newly-elected councilman, one that was way...
We send our children to school for 12 years, and in their 12th year, they are allowed to do a work program. Sounds good. How much do they teach in this work program, or do they just get rid of them for the remainder of the day? Let me tell you what they don’t teach our kids before they...
The recent earthquake in Haiti is a disaster of incalculable magnitude. Haiti, a nation only a few hundred miles from the coast of Florida, is in another struggle for survival. Life in Haiti is not easy. It lacks many of the institutional structures that provide for the basic well-being of the population. A devastating earthquake has rocked the island nation...
Dear citizens of Fayette County: Wow! It was absolutely amazing to see the faces of so many brave little soldiers at Fort Benning when Santa came into the room laden with all of the wonderful gifts you so generously donated this past holiday season. I know it’s a cliche, but they lit up like a Christmas tree and their collective...
The progressive movement is on the move again – the lunatic fringe of liberal thinking. It is the home of everything that you despise, such as income tax, prohibition, and the Federal Reserve. The United Nations is also progressive. The President and Secretary of State have referred to themselves as progressives. Progressivism is the idea that people are the cause...
This is in response to Robinson, Carter and Browning. I recently read your articles blasting our fine representative Westmoreland in The Citizen. While this is not an attempt to cover every point the three of you tried to make, here are my thoughts: If President Obama were clearly interested in keeping us safe, he would immediately fire his attorney general for not...
Last month, the independent voters of Massachusetts unleashed their frustration with the Obama administration by electing a Republican to a seat held by the Democrats for almost 50 years. Republicans should not think that the Massachusetts win means voters have seen the light and are returning to the GOP. Remember, in the Bay State Democrats outnumber Republicans 3 to 1...
Anyone else notice all the new crosswalks in town? They connect to about a four-foot pad of concrete. What’s up with that? - - - - - - - - - - - - Hooray for our new city councilman, Eric Imker, for challenging the mayor and the rest of the City Council to try and develop a new city...
When I look back on the 10 or so years that I worked at Peachtree Medical Center, I see the history of medical services in my new hometown. Occasionally another member joined the staff, but for at least its first decade, Dr. Henry Drake’s staff consisted of Bonnie, Juanita, Mary Ann and me. Patients regarded Bonnie and Juanita as nurses,...
I recently re-read Isaiah’s call in Isaiah 6. Usually we stop at verse 8, where, when God asks, “Whom shall I send?” Isaiah volunteers and says, “Here am I. Send me.” This time, however, I read further. I read to what Isaiah was called. Isaiah 6:9: And he said, “Go and say to this people: ‘Keep listening, but do not...
Peachtree City United Methodist Church invites all married couples to celebrate this Valentine’s Day by renewing their marriage vows in a special Renewal of Marriage Vows Celebration on Sunday, Feb. 14 at 12:30 p.m. Each couple will come forward to the front of the sanctuary where a pastor will lead them in reciting the traditional wedding vows. Families and friends...
Fayetteville First United Methodist Church will again offer weekly Lenten lunches beginning Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17, at 11:30 a.m. The Faith Circle will provide a light lunch and the speaker will be the Rev. Mark Westmoreland. An Ash Wednesday service will be held in the sanctuary Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. The service will include the imposition of ashes. Lenten lunches...
The U2charist service held at Providence United Methodist Church on Jan. 30 raised $1,550 for Heifer International and UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief. The service, featuring the band from Providence’s contemporary worship service, included nine U2 songs, scripture readings, videos and holy communion. The service also included a video on Heifer International, an organization that helps communities...
David Ring, nationally known speaker and head of David Ring Ministries, will speak at Southside Baptist Church in Fayetteville Sunday, Feb. 28, at 6 p.m. This is a one night, special free event. A love offering will be taken. David Ring was born with cerebral palsy on October 28, 1953 in Jonesboro, Ark. After being orphaned at an early...
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