Man waves gun at driver at Pavilion


Fayetteville police are investigating the Nov. 28 claim of a motorist leaving the Fayette Pavilion who alleged that a man jumped from an SUV, attempted to open the door of their vehicle, then pointed a gun at the driver. The driver sped away without further incident.

Fayetteville Police Department spokesperson Ann Marie Burdett said the Fayette County Communications E-911 Center dispatch on Nov. 28 notified Fayetteville police they were requested to contact a complainant to take the report of an alleged aggravated assault.

Police spoke with the complainant via telephone, who said a white SUV with an unidentified Hispanic female passenger and Hispanic male driver pulled up next to them as they began to drive away from the parking lot of the Walmart store at the Fayette Pavilion.

“The complainant told police the male exited the vehicle, attempted to open the complainant’s driver’s door, but it was locked, and brandished a firearm at them,” said Burdett. “The complainant said they sped off and called 911 once they arrived home.”

The complainant described the male subject being 5’9” and 6’ in height, Burdett added.

The case was turned over to the Fayetteville Criminal Investigations Division for further investigation.

In another case, Tyrone police on Nov. 30 responded to the South Hampton Village retail area on Ga. Highway 74 in reference to an entering auto.

Tyrone Police Department spokesman Philip Nelson said the vehicle owner had been working out at a gym. While there, someone reported seeing a vehicle with a busted window.

The vehicle owner exited the building to find her vehicle with a smashed window and her purse and computer stolen, Nelson said.

Nelson noted that the stolen items had been left in plain sight.