Thieves hit 6 vehicles at 3 Tyrone homes plus 2 vehicles in Fayetteville’s Pavilion


Multiple suspects are being sought by Tyrone police after six vehicles were entered at three homes on the town’s north side on Nov. 17.

Tyrone Police Department spokesman Philip Nelson said a total of six vehicles at three homes on Westbourne Drive off Ga. Highway 74 North were entered between midnight and 7:45 a.m.

Five of the vehicles were unlocked, said Nelson, adding that one of the vehicles had a window smashed.

The items listed as being stolen included watches, house keys and a 9mm handgun, said Nelson.

There were also two vehicles entered recently at the Fayette Pavilion.

One of those occurred on Nov. 15, with the owner saying he believed the vehicle was unlocked.

Fayetteville Police Department spokesman Mike Francis said a wallet was stolen from the vehicle.

The other entering auto incident, also at the Fayette Pavilion, was reported on Nov. 16.

Francis said the owner noted that the theft of a handgun and credit cards had occurred the previous day between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Francis said officers found no evidence of forced entry into the vehicle.


  1. …and NEVER leave a garage door opener in your locked car sitting in your driveway overnight.
    It will give them easy access into your home, at that time, or when they notice home is unoccupied while you are out at work etc.

  2. If you have a garage…clean out all of the junk inside and enclose your car at night. At least lock your cars and keep items of interest inside the house or locked in the trunk. The roving bands of little hoodie gangsta’s are prowling N. Fayette (N. Fayette is now a proxy Clayton/Fulton/Dekalb haven for criminals).
    Going to the Pavillion is asking to be robbed, car jacked or worse.