Fayette’s Covid vaccinations plod ahead at 128 a day


Since the first of February, 2,171 Fayette County residents have received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, which brings the total number of vaccinated residents up to 5,854 as of Feb. 17, according to data from the Georgia Department of Public Health.

That’s an average of just under 128 vaccinations a day in Fayette, the data shows, and represents just under 5% of the county’s population.

The Feb. 17 Covid numbers for Fayette are 27 new cases for a total of 5,750 confirmed infections. The Fayette death toll went up one to 118: an African-American woman, age 78, with no underlying medical conditions. (A list of Fayette fatalities is here.)

Given the DPH estimate of Fayette’s population as around 117,500, and even adding all the confirmed Covid cases to the number of vaccinations, the total number of immunized persons is still only 10% of the population.

Distribution of the Covid vaccines has been disrupted by winter weather complications, disrupting vaccination schedules, and another winter blast is on its way.

With a 2-week positive test rate of 10.2% — higher than both the state at 9.7% and neighboring Coweta County at 8.7% — Fayette may be months away from achieving the target rate of 5% new cases, the point at which pandemic is downgraded into endemic, like the recurring seasonal episodes of the flu.

State numbers: 2,197 new cases on Feb. 17, for a total of 796,547. Deaths: 78 fatalities reported for a total of 14,254 statewide since the start of the pandemic. That’s a death rate of 1.79% of confirmed cases.

Below are graphs of DPH data showing the 7-day moving average of new cases in Fayette, the current number of patients being treated for Covid in the state’s hospitals, and the availability of intensive care units across the state.