Baston-Cook employees raise $50,000 for children at Christian City


Batson-Cook Construction employees held a phone-a-thon to raise money for The Children’s Village at Christian City and the American Cancer Society. The two hour fundraiser netted over $50,000 in sponsorships for Batson-Cook’s upcoming annual “Clays For A Cause” charity clay shoot.

This is in addition to the already $40,000 in sponsorship monies raised in previous weeks. The event will be held March 19 in Griffin, Ga and is by invitation for Batson-Cook’s vendors and supporters of the two nonprofits.

Peachtree City resident Randy Hall, Sr. Vice President, commented that “Batson-Cook has a culture of giving back to the communities in which we live and work; we are excited to be supporters of the Children’s Village at Christian City.”

Christian City has been caring for abandoned and abused children in a family centered residential setting since 1965. Over 1,000 children have called Christian City “home.” For more information about The Children’s Village, please visit