Celebrate Substitute Teachers Appreciation Week


It is not easy to take over a classroom from a permanent teacher and attempt to provide a valuable education; this is why Fayette County Public Schools recognizes National Substitute Teacher Appreciation Week May 1-5, 2023.

The five-day appreciation week is dedicated to the hundreds of thousands of education professionals who fill in at schools every day across the United States. The U.S. House of Representatives, and schools and school districts around the nation recognize this nationwide event.

Fayette County Schools thanks its approximately 500 substitutes who are on call daily to fill in for absent permanent teachers across the school system. Substituting can sometimes be a challenging assignment, and the school system appreciates the educational professionals who are ready every day to jump in and help out in the classrooms.

Students, faculty, parents and the community are invited to express their gratitude to substitute teachers they know, or to those who have taught their children, by writing thank-you notes expressing how the substitute teachers made a difference in the classroom, or to simply convey appreciation for the services they perform.

Substitute teachers are part of the team of educators that give students the gift of knowledge, and provide them with the skills to be successful in life. Please join Fayette County Schools in acknowledging their efforts during the national observance of Substitute Teacher Appreciation Week.