Congressman Brian Jack Appointed by Speaker Johnson to the House Committee on Rules

Today, Congressman Brian Jack was appointed by Speaker Mike Johnson to the House Committee on Rules.
The House Committee on Rules is the oldest Committee in Congress, constituted on the second day of the 1st Congress, on April 2, 1789.  Several of our country’s Founding Fathers served on the first Rules Committee, including James Madison, the ‘‘Father of the Constitution’’ and future President of the United States, and Roger Sherman, the only one of the Founding Fathers to help prepare and sign all four of the most important documents of the early nation: the Articles of Association, the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution.
The Rules Committee is commonly known as “The Speaker’s Committee” because it is the mechanism the Speaker uses to maintain control of the House Floor.
“I am honored to earn appointment to the Rules Committee, and I am committed to work with my colleagues to advance legislation that benefits the incredible people of Georgia’s 3rd Congressional District,” said Congressman Jack. “Let’s get to work!”