We are fortunate to have Piedmont Fayette


Most of us in Peachtree City realize how fortunate we are to have Piedmont Fayette Hospital. It’s one of the best in Georgia. In fact, that is why I ended up here years ago.

A decade ago, my wife and I were perfectly happy living in a beautiful house on Lake Jackson. After my retirement, I had been Chair of the Jasper County Commission and on their Board of Health. But healthcare in every rural county is limited. So, when my wife became ill with cancer, we moved to Peachtree City due the quality of healthcare services and family here. Our own Piedmont Fayette is by far the highest ranked south Metro hospital, as discussed below.

Most of my career was spent in health care. I was the first Director of Healthcare for Georgia. I spent the rest of my career working with large hospital systems all over the nation, including the South. Part of my job entailed identifying the best major systems in each state and then convincing them to invest seven figures in a dynamic for-profit firm solely owned by top non-profit healthcare providers like the Cleveland Clinic.

I can guarantee you ranking hospitals was a difficult task. Healthcare rankings can be relative, often based on both objective and subjective criteria.

The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) recently published a report which indicated that the most reliable source for potential patients to use in ranking facilities is the US News and World Report (https://health.usnews.com/health-care/best-hospitals/articles/best-hospitals-honor-roll-and-overview). These rating are based on quantitative data related to patient outcomes, primarily using Medicare data (although information from the American Hospital Association and other professional sources was also utilized). Per that ranking, the top ten nationally are: Mayo Clinic (MN); Cedars-Sinai (CA); NYU; Cleveland Clinic (OH); Johns Hopkins; UCLA; NY Presbyterian; Mass General; Northwestern and Stanford.

There are 175 hospitals listed in Georgia (https://health.usnews.com/best-hospitals/area/ga ). The best facilities in our state are– Emory University; Emory St. Joseph; Piedmont Atlanta; Northside Atlanta; Northeast Georgia Medical Center; Wellstar Kennestone; Northside Forsythe; Emory Johns Creek; Emory Midtown;Northside Cherokee; and Piedmont Fayette. 

Overall, Fayette Piedmont scored higher than both Piedmont Henry and Piedmont Coweta. Fayette also performed much better than relatively close-by Southern Regional Medical Center in Riverdale, which received a 1-star rating for patient satisfaction and lower scores in specialty areas.

For example, our hospital was ranked highly regarding treatment of colon cancer surgery (5 out of 5 possible). And Piedmont Fayette was rated highly regarding treatment for heart attacks and heart failure, as well as stroke and kidney failure (5 of 5). Regarding pulmonary procedures and orthopedics (hip and knee replacement), Piedmont Fayette also ranked 5 out of 5. In the areas of diabetes and endocrinology it was ranked as high performing.

Of course, these rankings are but one factor in choosing your acute care provider. And every patient should understand why they are going to a particular hospital well before they become an in-patient. Where your physicians have privileges is an important factor.

Unfortunately, there is the expense factor. For those on Medicare Advantage, HMOs, and PPOs, their choices are severely restricted by the health insurance plan that they have, forcing them to either choose an in-network facility… or pay a very large out of pocket expense. Plus, convenience is key for many patients. Where is the hospital versus where you live and where your family resides?  It’s expensive and awkward to be treated far from home.

In summary, my family has carefully chosen Piedmont Fayette for our care…and we are very glad that we did. Not only is it well run, but the staff and physicians are helpful, friendly and highly qualified. Regarding “willingness of patients to recommend this hospital to others”, Fayette Piedmont scores high, 4 out of 5 stars. But in my own opinion, as a user of the facility, I score it 5 stars.


  1. Getting specialists is tough on the south side. Most doctors prefer living in Buckhead or the ritzier northern suburbs. Many specialists are 1 or 2 doctors deep; initial appointments can take a year to obtain. And the doctors and practices seem overwhelmed when you go finally get in.

    So my wife and I trek up the back routes to Piedmont Atlanta, Northside and other doctors buildings.