Deanna Roberts honored at Christ the King

Bishop David Epps and Deanna Roberts

In January 2023, The Cathedral of Christ the King, Sharpsburg, and the Diocese of the Mid-South bid a fond “Godspeed” to Deanna Roberts, Fayetteville, as she prepared for her move to Florida, A Charter Member of Christ the King since 1996. Roberts served for nearly five years as the Administrative Secretary/Business Manager for the Cathedral and as the Diocesan Administrator.

On January 21 a well-attended brunch was held in her honor and the following day the gathered congregation extended appreciation and prayers for her journey and future. Among the gifts was a “Christus Rex,” (Christ the King) icon similar to the large depiction of Christ the King overseeing the altar of the church.

Also joining Ms Roberts in Florida will be Odie, the cat who occupied the Parish House. Odie, black cat with a white spot under his chin (like a priest in a black cassock with a clerical collar), greeted visitors to the office who often called him “Father Odie.” Both Roberts and Father Odie will reside in Jupiter, Florida.