Fayette Republican Party sets convention meeting dates


The Fayette County Republican Party Convention will convene at 10 a.m. on March 11, 2023, at 11th Hour Worship Center, 193 Johnson Ave., Fayetteville, Ga., to elect delegates and alternates to the Congressional District(s) Convention and State Convention. Additionally, the Convention will conduct all other business as necessary.

Delegates and alternates will be required to pay a fee of $35, which is to cover the cost of the County Convention.

Here are dates to remember:

January 19, 2023, 7 p.m., Committee Planning Meeting – Convention Committees

January 31, 2023, 6:30 p.m. Convention Round Table discussion about Convention Cycles and a quick review of Roberts Rules

February 11, 2023, PRECINCT CAUCUS Doors lock at 10 a.m. (doors open 9 a.m.)

February 15, 2023, Application Deadline for applying for an FCRP Officer Position.



June 9-10, 2023 STATE CONVENTION

The Fayette County Republican Party will hold its Precinct Caucus Meeting on February 11, 2023, at 10 a.m. The Fayette County Republican Party will convene Precinct Caucuses to elect Delegates and Alternates to the Fayette County Republican Party Convention. All Fayette County residents who are legally registered to vote and believe in the principles of the Republican Party are urged to participate in this process.

Registration will open at 9 a.m. on February 11, 2023, at the following location: 11th Hour Worship Center, 193 Johnson Ave., Fayetteville, Ga. 30214 for Precinct Caucus.

The Nominating Committee shall meet as appropriate with prospective candidates for District Convention Delegates and Alternates and State Convention Delegates and Alternates and candidates for the elected office of the Fayette County Republican Party.

After review of the qualifications for each candidate, the Nominating Committee shall present to the convention its recommendations for each office. After the presentation of the Nominating Committee Report there will be a call for nominations from the floor.

Only those individuals who contacted the Nominating Committee by February 15th, 2023, may be considered for elective office of the County party. Nominations must be placed in opposition for a specific individual already nominated, and the vote for each such contested position or office taken individually.

The 3rd Congressional District Convention will convene at 10 a.m. on April 22, 2023, at the Newnan Centre, Newnan, Georgia.

The 13th Congressional District Convention will convene at 10 a.m. on April 22, 2023, at a location to be announced.

The District Convention will be electing officers for the district and State Committee members for the next biennial. Delegates and Alternates will be required to pay a fee (to be announced), which is to cover the cost of the Convention.

The Georgia Republican Party State Convention will convene at 2 p.m. on Friday, June 9, 2023, in Columbus, Georgia and will elect state party officers for the next biennial, in addition to conducting all other business as necessary. Delegates and Alternates will be required to pay a fee, which is to cover the cost of the Convention.

For further information contact Randy Ognio, Chairman of the Fayette County Republican Party at 678- 414-7952 or rognio@myfayettegop.org.