Peeples class helps out elves


When a group of elves stumbled into Peeples Elementary, they lucked out to find Michelle Bauch’s kindergarten class was happy to help them get home using their STEAM expertise.

Elves visited their room, and the class was determined to find the mischievous creatures. They started by reading the book “How To Catch An Elf” for ideas for how to help.

STEAM cards asked the students to solve some problems the elves were having and stretch their own brains at the same time. Issues included keeping the sleigh and presents dry when it rains, helping an elf get back on the shelf, making a parachute to get an elf out of a tree, and building a noisemaker to replace a broken jingle bell.

After a whole class brainstorm, they were given a chance to talk to each other and bounce ideas regarding what they could create to help. There were random supplies like string, tape, straws, popsicle sticks, tissue paper, coffee filters, fabric, and pipe cleaners.

Thrilled to tackle the challenge, students paired up and the creation began. They were then given a blank piece of paper and told to draw their ideas, list supplies needed, or simply jot ideas as a team. Aside from a bit of tape dispensing from their teacher, they did it all themselves. After they finished, they explained the creations to the class and how what they made would solve the elves’ problems.

Bauch said the students did a terrific job.

“I have been teaching Kindergarten for 13 years, and I don’t think it is ever too early to encourage my students to think in different ways and to grow their little minds,” said Bauch. “They asked when they would get to do something like this again. My teacher’s heart was so happy!”