St. Christopher Christmas Schedule


St. Christopher Hellenic (Greek) Orthodox Church celebrates the Nativity of Christ the week preceding Christmas with the following services:

Sunday, Dec. 18: 7:45 am Orthros (Matins), 9:00 Divine Liturgy, 10:30 Annual Christmas Pageant, 11:30 Community Lunch (fasting foods), 5:00p Candle Light Service and Christmas Concert (Pan-Orthodox) at Annunciation Cathedral in Atlanta

Friday, Dec. 23: 8:00 am  Service of Great Hours

Saturday, Dec. 24: 8:00 am Orthros, 9:00 Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Sunday, Dec. 25:  9:00 am Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great

Rev. Fr. George Tsahakis, Chancellor officiating.


We are located at 313 Dividend Drive, Peachtree City. Please join us with your Family and Friends.