Tell the City Council what projects should be on the new SPLOST


Created earlier this year, Peachtree City has had a citizen-led advisory group to prepare for the “Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax” (SPLOST) to be voted on in March 2023. Over a six-year period, this voter-approved, county-wide $0.01 tax is projected to generate $67 million for Peachtree City.

SPLOST proceeds can only be spent on specific capital projects that will be listed on the ballot when it comes up for citizen approval.

For example, SPLOST funds can be used to resurface existing infrastructure like roads, streets, and paths. Funds can also be used to replace existing capital assets such as fire trucks, ambulances, police vehicles, bridges, tunnels, facilities, equipment, and more.

Passage of the 2023 SPLOST would not raise any sales or property taxes, as it would continue the 2017 SPLOST currently in place. In fact, over the past 10 years, taxes have been less of a burden on property owners. The Peachtree City Millage Rate has decreased from 7.178 to 6.043 as the city has diversified its revenue sources and levered the 2017 SPLOST for eligible capital projects and uses.

On August 18 Peachtree City’s SPLOST Advisory Group will recommend projects for the mayor and city council to approve for the ballot, but before that occurs, the group wants to hear from the public one more time to identify which projects should be prioritized. Please take five minutes to complete this survey before August 12 and have your voice heard:


The Peachtree City SPLOST Advisory Group:

Pam Kemp – Group Lead

David Conner

Phil Crane

Kenneth Hamner

Allison Powell

Jay Scheibler


  1. This is a survey that asks for citizen input on cost based decisions and yet we are not provided with any cost at all. How can I make or formulate an educated opinion about replacing equipment such as fire trucks or police cars when I don’t know how much the replacements cost, how old the existing units are, how much the technology has changed, and so forth. One of the questions requests the purchase of six specialized cleaning units for each fire station to be used to clean and decontaminate Clothing and equipment. Based on historical data, how often would these units get used at each station? If the answer is only a few times a year or even once a month, could we not buy units to be placed at a central location such as the city works department and have all the stations share them? This would significantly reduce the cost of purchase.

    • I agree Hometown, the ’23 SPLOST calls for an estimated revenue income of $67M in a six-year period. However, the proposed projects in the SPLOST survey do not have any estimated dollar costs associated with them. All totaled could be over $100M for all I know. Understanding the costs could assist in making some decisions within the survey and also help to filter some of the projects based on real needs or just mere wants.

      The suggested golf cart crossing (survey) on Rt. 54 that would link the HS with the new Middle School is ridiculous at best since more traffic will already be introduced into that intersection starting this week. A golf cart crossing at the PTC Pkwy & Rt. 54 (for the old school) was considered too dangerous to be placed there and was supported further when someone did try crossing it and got hit. Something tells me that a suggested cart crossing there for the new school came from someone that was in favor of the new school being built in that location but didn’t think of all the ramifications and added costs associated with it.