Peachtree City crime stats: golf cart theft rate nearly doubles, while assaults, drug arrests also rise


Overall serious crime stats go down 14% — 

The 2021 crime stats for Peachtree City are in. Data provided by the Peachtree City Police Department showed a 14 percent decrease in Part 1 serious crimes. By far, the largest number of the offenses were thefts, accounting for 80 percent of those crimes.

Part 1 crimes, those of a serious nature, and including offenses such as homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, larceny and burglary came with a 14 percent decrease over 2020.

There were a total of 439 Part 1 crimes in 2020, while 2021 tallied 379 offenses, accounting for the 14 percent decrease.

Far and away the largest contributor to Part 1 statistics was larceny, which accounted for 302 of the 379 offenses, or 79.7 percent.

Within the larceny category, there were 302 crimes in 2021, which represented a 19 percent decrease over the 375 listed in 2020.

Of the larceny offenses in 2021, 131 were thefts, 116 were shoplifting and 55 were entering autos. While all three categories came with decreases in 2021, the largest reduction was in entering autos, listed as 55 in 2021 compared to 91 in 2020.

In other Part 1 crimes, the city did see an increase in burglaries, from 15 in 2020 to 21 in 2021. And in motor vehicle thefts there was an increase to 43 of those offenses in 2021 compared to 28 in 2020.

There was an 88 percent rise in golf cart thefts in 2021, with 32 occurring in that year compared to 17 in 2020.

Rounding out the Part 1 crimes, there were four forcible rapes in 2021 compared to seven in 2020; two robberies in 2021 compared to four in 2020; seven aggravated assaults in 2021 compared to nine in 2020; and no cases of arson in 2021 compared to one in 2020.

In the category listed as crimes against persons, there was a 6 percent increase in 2021 over the prior year, with a total of 132 offenses in 2021 compared to 124 in 2020.

Within that category, there were 82 simple assault/battery cases in 2021 compared to 68 in 2020, a 21 percent increase. There were also seven child molestation offenses in 2021 compared to six in 2020; 10 sexual battery/sexual assault cases in 2021 compared to five in 2020; and one case of indecent exposure in 2021 compared to 10 in 2020.

Under the drug and alcohol category, DUI cases increased by 40 percent in 2021, with the report showing 176 offenses in 2020 and 247 in 2021.

Drug charges in 2021 came with a 165 percent increase, with 20 cases in 2020 and 53 cases in 2021.

In the patrol report portion of the report, the city had 12,077 dispatched calls for officers in 2021. That compared to 11,557 calls in 2020, a 4 percent increase.

The report also noted the number of calls initiated by officers, showing 10,829 in 2021 and 15,502 in 2020, a 30 percent decrease.