Piedmont Fayette loosens visitation limits


Local hospital to allow two care partners to visit per patient — 

Effective June 1, Piedmont Fayette Hospital will allow two care partners per patient, per day for all non-Covid-19 patients. This includes patients in the hospital and off-campus outpatient centers.

Care partners may switch out every 24 hours in all inpatient areas except Women’s Services, which allows two designated care partners throughout the patient’s stay.

“As the number of Covid-19 cases continues to decrease, we felt that it was safe to allow fewer restrictions on visitation,” said Piedmont Fayette CEO Steve Porter. “Safety remains our top priority, so all care partners will continue to be screened at the entrances. They must also continue to wear a mask at all times, and we are asking all care partners to remain in the patient’s room unless they are visiting the cafeteria, Chick-fil-A, or the chapel.”

Generally, for the safety of the community, Piedmont Fayette will still not allow care partners to visit Covid-19 patients. Legal guardians or family caregivers will be allowed for Covid patients if it is determined necessary for the care of the patient (such as end of life care or special needs).

For more information about Piedmont Healthcare’s response to Covid-19, visit piedmont.org.