Next council must reverse acts of current council


Some history. Fleisch, Imker and Learnard slowly chipped away at DPAC until they dissolved it. Thus no economic development for over 10 years.

Next Council seized control of WASA and proceeded to do what never happened before, as in selling sewer to Tyrone, which Tyrone later disassociated themselves with Peachtree City.

Now they are decimating the planning commission.

The next Council must reverse as many actions as possible by this Council. Spending and taxes have to be brought under control. Peachtree City is homes and families, not a resort city.

The village concept has been the heart of Peachtree City, not urban development.

With all of this annexation, rezoning and approvals, I have heard no one address the impact on our ISO rating. Meaning does Peachtree City need another fire station?

The state created authorities and commissions to give citizens a voice in their community. This Council has done everything it could to take away that voice.

That includes Councilman Ernst, who wants to continue the legacy of Mayor Fleisch.

The next Council needs to revert as much of the damage as possible done by this Council.

I was a councilman and mayor under Obama. The mandates, regulations and paperwork were a nightmare. We had to hire an administrative assistant just to keep up with all the federal filings. Low-cost housing mandates and work processing for illegal aliens was not what Peachtree City was about. We also had the drought and recession years which were not beneficial.

I warned Fleisch and the other tax and spenders that contrary to their beliefs Peachtree City would have more problems in the future. And here we are again with Biden, Covid, declining tax revenues and spending the city reserves. Spending money in areas that, as the city manager said, are money pits. And looking at years of struggles ahead of us.

Time for change.

Don Haddix

Peachtree City, Ga.

[Haddix is a former mayor of Peachtree City.]


  1. First note Mike King will not respond here because he blocks those who disagree with him with facts on Facebook

    Contrary to what he claims what I said is very real. He falsely focuses on the millage rate when in fact when property value increases the property tax bill Council must either rollback to the effective rate to what it was prior or advertising as a tax increase. They have advertised a tax increase every year.

    Talking about lowering property value is deception.

    Her claim of being in the best shape ever comes at the cost of citizens wallets.

    As for sewer to Tyrone he evades the point Peachtree City has never paid for sewer connections. Owners and developers have always footed the bill. Nor has it allowed sewer connections outside the city for good reason. He obviously does not understand the state law on 200 feet forced connections.

    I have no intention of reliving the past except to say people are now aware of the deceptions involved in getting Fleisch elected.

    I remind everyone of Mike King’s role in Great Wolf, the LCI, urbanization, planning commission, the billboard failure, first amendment rights, no economic development, rezoning and other disasters.

    So Mike King is entitled to his fantasies which he calls facts.

  2. I don’t agree with you on anything in your letter, Mr. Haddix. Per Capita, the City’s resources are greater. There is greater out per employee. We don’t have a rogue WASA board any longer. The City isn’t threatened by outside interests, other than a “Billboard” attorney. Whereas I am concerned about the Planning Commission’s status, I am only that, concerned. I do not see a run away City Government.

  3. Well Don, as usual your post ventures away from reality.
    First over the past seven years Peachtree City’s millage rate has dropped from 7.333(when you were mayor) to the current 6.232. Any increase in property taxes have been the result of a marked increase in property values. Surely, you don’t wish to diminish the value of your home, do you?
    Additionally, Council made a determined effort to increase the city reserves from a paltry 25% to the 47% we currently have after declining revenues. This came in handy as a rainy day fund when COVID struck. As the Mayor recently stated ” We are in the best shape financially ever.”
    Regarding sewer to Tyrone, you might ought to do a little research. This Council was not going to fund $1.5M to hook sewer to Tyrone(458 customers) for them to pay the same rates that you and I currently pay.
    While it was unfortunate that your term as mayor coincided with a recession, you have to admit our citizens were ready for a change.
    You are correct about spending reserves in that we now pay cash for purchases versus borrowing, and we are approaching our goal of 50% reserves.
    Spin as you like, maybe even consider another run for mayor, you are entitled to your opinion but not your facts.
    Have a nice day.