Fayette Accountability Courts help 100 participants get back to sobriety

Staff members of the Fayette County Accountability Courts stand ready to help. Photo/Submitted.
Staff members of the Fayette County Accountability Courts stand ready to help. Photo/Submitted.

The beginning of a new year is a great time to reflect on the previous. Despite the many obstacles of 2020, the work done by Judge Jason B. Thompson and the Fayette County Accountability Courts team was still needed by the community.

After implementing the Griffin Judicial Circuit’s first DUI/Drug Court in 2016, Judge Thompson began 2020 with the judicial circuit’s newest court: Veterans Treatment Court. Last year concluded by graduating the largest class of participants in DUI/Drug Court to date, whom remained dedicated to their sobriety while navigating the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Accountability Courts are comprised of the DUI/Drug Court and the Veterans Treatment Court. The programs are designed to keep a qualified participant in treatment while continuing to work and give back through community service and other charities. This method for substance abuse cases has shown promising results in Fayette County every year.

Since their inception, the Accountability Courts have graduated over 100 participants and assisted in the graduates’ journey to sobriety with the support of the community and their families.

The Accountability Court has shaved off an average of thirty-four months of jail time for each participant and saved money for the community. This reduction in incarceration allows those who are willing and ready to change their lives an opportunity to do so.

If any organization is interested in learning more about the DUI/Drug Court or the Veterans Treatment Court, contact Alex Domaleski, Accountability Courts Coordinator at 770-716-4328 or adomaleski@fayettecountyga.gov to schedule an opportunity for Judge Thompson to speak at your next meeting.