Democrats rally at Blue in the Bubble at Drake Field

A crowd of at least 200 on Oct. 3 at Drake Field in Peachtree City attended the Blue in the Bubble golf cart rally supporting the Biden-Harris ticket and other Democratic candidates. Photo/Ben Nelms.
A crowd of at least 200 on Oct. 3 at Drake Field in Peachtree City attended the Blue in the Bubble golf cart rally supporting the Biden-Harris ticket and other Democratic candidates. Photo/Ben Nelms.

A cloudless blue-sky afternoon on Saturday provided the perfect backdrop for the Blue in the Bubble golf cart rally at Drake Field in Peachtree City supporting the Biden-Harris ticket and Democrats running for office in the Nov. 3 election.

Those taking a glance at the scene while driving by Drake Field on Saturday might have thought they saw 100 or so people standing in front of their golf carts. But looks are deceiving, as there were easily 200 people on the lawn near Ga. Highway 54 and more than 70 golf carts.

Among the several speakers at the event were Fayette County Commission District 1 challenger Vickie Butler, Fayette County Commissioner Charles Rousseau and Fayetteville City Councilman Joe Clark.

Clark was the main speaker at the Saturday event, reminding those attending that, “We have the opportunity to get back control of America. They think they are the silent majority. We’re the silent majority.”

Rousseau in his comments explained that, “(Those) 18-25 are our target group. If they show up, we’ll win by a landslide.”

Many in the crowd at Drake Field having arrived on golf carts had them decorated in support of the Democratic Party and its candidates.

When it came to age demographics, the crowd was a mix of young and old and families.