Peachtree City to adopt current millage rate


Result will be slight tax increase for city property owners — 

The Peachtree City Council meets Thursday evening to approve one of its primary functions: Collecting property taxes.

Before that happens, the council will hold a public hearing for city residents to speak up about what they tink of the proposed 6.232 millage rate, a continuation of several years’ worth of holding the millage rate line.

However, because the value of most property owners in the city and county went up in assessed value — overall a 5.44% increase in value — holding the line of the millage rate will still mean a small tax increase.

The ad valorem tax revenue is expected to be around $16.456 million to fund the city’s maintenance and operations budget, mainly police and fire department costs.

The council earlier this month already adopted its Fiscal Year 2021 budget that plans to spend about $38.561 million before Oct. 1, 2021. The property tax collections represent about 42% of that total budget.

The in-person council meeting will be at City Hall Thursday, Aug. 20, at 6:30 p.m.


  1. Al, I’d certainly like to see you at one of the budget meetings, or any Council meeting for that matter. Tonight, 8/20, we hold the third of three meetings on your upcoming millage rate with no one as yet to opine against.
    Just so you know, due to COVID the city has eliminated positions, experienced early retirements, converted some positions to part time, and moved $1.2M from city reserves so that we could maintain the standards of service that most of us have come to expect living in Peachtree City. That city reserve reaching 42% of our annual budget from the 25% just a few short years ago.
    Lastly, if that $27.00 increase on your $400K home is too burdensome I suggest you run for City Council next year.

    • It is sad that you feel I must attend a meeting to express my concerns. I communicate with the council by email and attend when I can. Schedules are not always so flexible to enable attendance. As a resident for 25 years I have followed the city and served on committees. I find that it is consistently easier to raise taxes than manage. Our village concept has been squandered and we are now pursuing density at all costs without fixing the traffic congestion issue. (Mr. Morgan – our lifestyle is diminishing fast).

      I appreciate the detail of the things you have done. I do appreciate these cost cutting measures. However, they are the basic duties of leadership not some grand accomplishment to fit a jewel in your crown.

      The last comment is proof of exactly what I’m saying. Arrogance rather than listening. Your comment about the “small” increase I will be paying turns right around on you.

      I still thank you for your service because I know it requires sacrifice, time and energy. I’m a little feisty as a long time resident watching what we had frittered away which is about what I expected under a Realator.

  2. It would be wonderful to see some leadership in holding the effective tax rate the same during these difficult times when so many of us have seen reducted hours or reduced business. Alas, that seems too much to hope for. This council seems eager to increase density, reduce liveability through congestion, and spend us out of our homes. These are the times to be frugal.