Peachtree City and Newnan youth partnering to foster unity


Over the past few months, a small organization based in Peachtree City, Georgia, has made great efforts to connect with the youth of the Newnan and Peachtree City communities.

Their platform is to provide a medium for youth to find volunteer opportunities and to unite as a community. This group has had remarkable success in its efforts these past few months. They have attempted to use this unprecedented time to bring more positivity into our Metro Atlanta area. 

This project is named The Unity Project. The Unity Project was first announced on June 16, 2020. Since then, the group has partnered several times with the Midwest Food Bank in Peachtree City, Georgia.

Its members have dedicated many mornings to helping package food and organize that food for people who need it the most. These acts represent what it truly means to be an active citizen in Metro Atlanta.

However, this is not the only service project this group has participated in. Its co-founder launched her own idea to use her artistic ability to make bracelets for fundraising. One of its members have also used their connections with HEROBOX in our Metro Atlanta Area to supply our veterans, who have given so much to our nation, with physical and moral support.

 Recently, The Unity Project and Stayconsciousmedia partnered with Rainbows For All Children to run a book drive. Rainbows for All Children provides support for youth, who are dealing with loss, divorce, deployment, and more. This drive is still ongoing. They would love to have support with this meaningful cause.

If you are interested in supporting and/or volunteering with this organization, their best medium of contact is through Instagram (@the.unityproject). Additionally, individuals can reach out to me via email ( It is something great and positive to be a part of during these unprecedented times. 

Krish M. Patel

Georgia TARS Vice Chairman, representing Metro Atlanta