Lee Hearn, Fayette Commission District 2, Republican Primary



QUESTION: You are asking to be hired (or re-hired) by the voters of this county. Give five reasons why they should vote for you and not your opponent.

1. Background: Lee Hearn has lived in Brooks for the past 21 years. My grandmother grew up in Brooks on Grooms Road. I’ve worked 23 years for local governments in Public Works which includes serving ten years as your Public Works Director.

I am a Registered Professional Engineer and I graduated from Georgia Tech in 1977 in Civil Engineering. I have also worked 20 years in the private sector using my engineering training.

I served one term on the Fayette County Commission (2009-2012) and balanced 3 out of 4 budgets during declining revenues after the economy’s downturn beginning in 2008. I am a member of Fayetteville First Baptist Church and have served 3 terms as deacon. I’ve been married to Teresa for 43 years and we have 2 sons.

2. Experience: As Public Works Director, I gained experience managing budgets and believe we should strive towards a balanced budget every year. My Fayette County taxes have gone up each year that my opponent has been in office. My opponent voted for a tax increase when he voted on the millage rate in 2019. My opponent has had 4 out of 7 deficit budgets while he has been in office. Fayette County deserves better.

I will review proposed budgets line item by line item to trim the fat but maintaining the level of service we expect from our local government. We can’t simply raise taxes and grow the budget each year, which my opponent has consistently done. I will be a good steward of the tax dollars we collect and spend them wisely.

3. Growth: I will continue to support and abide by the adopted land use plan. I will only support development that is consistent with the land use plan. I will not support spot zonings like my opponent voted for at Veterans Parkway and Sandy Creek Road. I don’t want District #2 to ever look like that area.

I will work to keep MARTA and transit out of Fayette County. Fayette County doesn’t need MARTA and the tax burden that comes with it.

4. Teamwork: I will work to promote teamwork with all our municipal partners. Teamwork starts with being a good listener and being respectful of the thoughts of those with a different perspective. I have already reached out to a couple of mayors for their thoughts on what should be our priority in the coming years.

5. Vision: I am passionate about our county and want to do my part to keep Fayette County great for future generations. We’ll do that by running a transparent efficient government, investing in our infrastructure, and protecting the rural character of Fayette County. Most importantly, I promise to work tirelessly to represent you the taxpayer and my neighbor. We need members on the Board of Commissioners that are looking after the county’s best interest. Working together we can accomplish our goals and keep this county great.

QUESTION: How are you different from your opponent(s) in your philosophy and your approach to this elected office?

My philosophy starts with team building and I enjoy encouraging my teammates to find solutions that are sometimes outside the box. Listening, caring, willingness to work hard and respect promote good teamwork. Being a part of a good team means you must remain professional. This also means sometimes you have to say you are sorry and other times you must forgive. Teamwork is critical to working through the challenges we face leading our county.

My initial approach to this elected office is to have discussions with department heads plus the county manager and to listen so I better understand their challenges providing services to the taxpayers. Once you have a better understanding then you can lead. Leadership starts with being a great teammate. Good leaders must be willing to work and lobby to get things done with the help and support of the entire Commission. I humbly ask for your vote for Lee Hearn on June 9th.