Robotic distribution center in Coweta withdrawn by applicant


A rezoning proposal to bring a 2.8 million sq. ft. robotic distribution center and a 400,000 sq. ft. rear-loading facility on 159 acres at Ga. Highway 16, Newnan Crossing Bypass and Interstate 85 was withdrawn by the applicant from the agenda of the May 19 meeting of the Coweta County Commission. The item could return at a later date.

The “Project Catfish” proposal by Seefried Industrial Properties would have 159.95 acres rezoned from RC (rural conservation) to M (industrial). The site is situated between Hwy. 16, Newnan Crossing Bypass and I-85.

The proposal in the information packet noted plans for a multi-story warehouse distribution center totaling 2,846,180 sq. ft., with 4.5 floors and a maximum height of 100 feet.

Also on the property, and located to the south nearer Hwy. 16, would be a proposed 393,750 sq. ft. rear-load facility.

As envisioned, the operation of the Project Catfish distribution warehouse facility would employ approximately 800 employees at $15/hour with insurance, stock options and other benefits. The site would also include 3,000 robots to accomplish minimal tasks and gain efficiency, according to Greg Herren with Seefried Investment Properties.

“The applicant advises that the facility will incorporate state-of-the art robotic engineering with the warehouse utilizing vertical storage. The design will be such that employees will remain on the lower levels while the robots will access the higher levels of inventory and bring the products down to the employee for packaging and loading onto tractor trailers,” according to information provided by the applicant.

The proposed project was previously approved through the DRI (Development of Regional Impact) review process.

The Coweta County Board of Zoning Appeals previously recommended that, if subsequently approved by commissioners, the height of the building not exceed 60 feet and three floors.

Though withdrawn by the applicant from the May 19 agenda, the item could return for consideration at a later date.