Peachtree City Council to meet — with distancing — Thursday for first time in 2 months

City Hall in Peachtree City. File photo.

The first public meeting at City Hall for the Peachtree City Council since a special called meeting April 7 is scheduled for this Thursday night, May 21, at 6:30 p.m. Distancing requirements will be observed. A planning retreat workshop is scheduled to follow at the conclusion of the regular meeting.

Here’s the decision portion of the agenda:

VIII. Consent Agenda

1. Non-profit Funding Service Agreement – Promise Place

2. Non-profit Funding Service Agreement – Fayette Senior Services

3. FY 2020 Budget Amendment – Public Health and Social Services Emergency Relief Funds

4. FY 2020 Budget Amendment – Public Works Tree Removal

5. Declare Old Fire and Police Motorola Radios as Surplus

6. Accept Multi-use Path Easement from Hoshizaki

7. 2020 Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement – GEMA/Homeland Security

8. Approve Denial of Ante Litem Notice of David Martin-Garcia as Claim Was Presented

IX. Old Agenda Items

X. New Agenda Items

05-20-01 Public Hearing – Variance Request, 110 Sweetgum

A Retreat Workshop will begin after the regular meeting adjourns. The purpose of the workshop is to discuss the Economic Impact of Corona Virus Pandemic and FY 2021 Priority-based Budgeting.