#GottaLoveFayetteville – Homeschool Gruel


” I’m staying up too late,” said nobody in Quarantine ever. Seems like days are boiling like a fresh pot of gumbo into nights and if you have young kids.. wait there’s more!

Welcome to the “Homeschool Gruel.” What’s that you ask? Let me explain. In most cases being the core source of your child’s education could be exciting but add Corona-induced daily stress and it can be overwhelming.

Seems everyone is attempting to jump into “Virtual Learning” but some Zooms are doomed from the gate barely holding kids’ attention pass “Hello.”  It’s tough because, unlike adults, kids don’t know how to fake it when they are not engaged. But relax, we got this Fayetteville!

My 6-year-old daughter who can go from 7:30 am to 10 pm with NO NAP awards me “On The Job Training” skills to lend a helping hand.

From Homeschool Gruel to Cool in 3 steps

1. Meet them where they are and build.

From boardrooms to classrooms, nobody likes a boss/teacher who talks over their head. Understand your approach is new and like you, your child is adjusting too. Ask him/her for tactics their teacher used in class in attempts to maintain normalcy.

2. Make it fun or you’re done.

From Kindergarten to Seniors, put a funky fresh spin on what’s usual. For my 6-year-old’s math lesson we baked cookies. She was ecstatic all while learning measurement break downs and more. She realized that adding ingredients is actually addition and good (math) times were had by all.

3. Take it outside. 

I know Social Distance is a vibe nowadays but moving a class session outdoors especially on a sunny day will boost morale and switch up the monotony of the four walls we are all stuck in.

All in all, every day will be different so stay positive and trust the process. This is new for everyone so take it easy, don’t be so hard on yourself. Remember, just last month this was not your job so it’s ok to get a few cuts and bruises along the way.

If you are utilizing a unique method to turn your  “Homeschool Gruel” into “Homeschool Cool” please share in the comments below and let’s stick together like homemade grits cuz ya #GottaLoveFayetteville!!!