Fayette Schools celebrate and honor Black History Month

Georgia State Representative Derrick Jackson, Terrence Artis, LaSharie Jones, Steven Beans, and Fayette County Board of Education member Leonard Presberg. 
Alternative Education Program hosts Black History Month Celebration Program

From classroom activities to museums and everything in between, hundreds of students from Fayette County Public Schools celebrated Black History Month and paid tribute to influential African Americans throughout history.

The students, faculty, and staff at the Alternative Education Program hosted a Black History Month celebration where special guests, Georgia’s State Representative Derrick Jackson and Fayette County Board of Education member Leonard Presberg, spoke with students about the importance of celebrating diversity in the classroom and beyond.

Student leaders Terrence Artis, LaSharie Jones, and Steven Beans were involved in the planning of this event as well as active participants during the event. Artis kicked off the program by reciting a powerful poem by Langston Hughes, “I felt connected to the history and accomplishments of my ancestry. It was such an honor to represent Langston Hughes on such an important day.”

Jones had the pleasure of introducing Representative Jackson, “I was honored to not only meet, but introduce Representative Jackson, knowing that he fights for all of our rights at the capitol.”

This celebration was just the start of a month-long celebration full of activities; the faculty and staff created a Wall of Fame that is composed of inspiring African-American leaders.

Crabapple Lane students enjoy their field trip to the school’s the Black History Month museum.

Parents and teachers at Crabapple Lane Elementary came together to create a museum that honors Black History Month. With the space filled from corner to corner, students took a walking field trip through the museum admiring the poster boards that were full of information about influential African Americans in music, sports, literature, math, science, and dance as well as important dates in history.

The museum also displayed a variety of inventions created by African-Americans throughout history.

“Our parents and teachers worked so hard to make this museum special for students and create an atmosphere for learning. The students really enjoyed it,” says principal Margaret Davis.

Flat Rock and Bennett’s Mill middle schools conducted assemblies to honor important African American figures in history.

Sara Harp Minter, Oak Grove, and Huddleston elementary schools honored Black History Month by incorporating a variety of learning activities for each grade level.

Art students at Peachtree City Elementary learned about an African America artist, Kimmy Cantrell, and create clay sculptures based on his style of art.

Students at Whitewater High created different ways to celebrate historical African-Americans, which was presented on the morning announcements each day during the month of February.

During the morning announcements, students at Fayette County High and Whitewater Middle heard a variety of facts about infamous African Americans throughout history. Fayette County High highlighted Historical Black Colleges, major events in history for African Americans, and various historically African American fraternities and sororities; while Whitewater Middle had students participate in Black History Month trivia.

At Fayetteville Elementary, students participated in a Black History Month performance written by the school’s music teacher, Bryan Washington.


  1. Why not just have one history that encompass all of us together and recognizes we all built this country. Lets unite instead of divide over race and nationality.

    I know the Asians and Hispanics and Indians must now want their own month.