Peachtree City statistics: Serious crime up 7% last year


Crime statistics for 2019 reported by the Peachtree City Police Department showed a 7 percent increase in serious crimes compared to 2018, with entering autos and shoplifting accounting for the largest increases and with burglaries decreasing significantly.

Police for 2019 reported an increase in more serious Part 1 crimes compared to 2018. Part 1 crimes in 2019 totaled 540 compared to 503 in 2018, representing an increase of 7 percent.

In terms of serious crimes, there was one homicide in 2019, but none in 2018.

In 2018, data showed four forcible rapes compared to three in 2019.

Last year brought three robberies compared to five in 2018.

Pertaining to child molestation, the data showed seven in 2018 and no cases in 2019.

Aggravated assault incidents dropped 50 percent in 2019, with four occurring compared to eight in 2018.

Motor vehicle theft, including golf cart theft, remained nearly unchanged, with 36 incidents in 2018 and 33 in 2019.

The number of burglaries dropped to 21 in 2019. That compares to 38 in 2018.

By far, the largest increases came with larcenies such as shoplifting and entering autos, with 475 occurring in 2019 compared to 411 in 2018.

In other crimes, 2019 came with an increase in graffiti incidents, with 26 occurring compared to 14 in 2018.

The number of indecent exposure incidents remained the same over the two-year period, with seven occurring each year.

Tin traffic-related incidents, citations issued by officers in 2019 totaled 7,910, up from 6,755 citations issued in 2018.

The number of roadway crashes also saw an increase in 2019 to 910. That compares to 866 in 2018.

When it comes to accident locations around the city in 2019, it is no surprise that the Top 10 locations were at various intersections with Ga. highways 54 and 74.

The top location for crashes was at the intersection of Hwy. 54 and Hwy. 74, where 70 crashes occurred.

The intersection of Hwy. 54 and Planterra Way had 45 crashes, while the nearby intersection of Hwy. 54 and Huddleston Road had 37 crashes.

The intersection of Hwy. 74 and Crosstown Drive saw 35 crashes, and Hwy. 74 and Peachtree Parkway had 31.