Here’s where to vote in city elections in Fayette


Voters go to the polls Tuesday, November 5, to elect city council members in Peachtree City, Fayetteville and Tyrone.

Elections have been called off in Brooks and Woolsey because there are no contested races nor any questions before the voters, according to the website of the Fayette County Elections Board. The unopposed incumbents will automatically be reelected to new four-year terms.

Here’s where to vote from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.:

Peachtree City — If you live inside the city limits, you will vote in your usual precinct, like in general elections. The Fayette County Elections Office said all 12 precincts will be open inside the city limits.

Fayetteville — You will vote in one of the two polling sites in Fayetteville, depending on which side of Ga. Highway 54 you live.

If you live south of Hwy. 54, you will vote at the Fayette County Library, 1821 Heritage Parkway, Fayetteville.

If you live north of Hwy. 54, you will cast your ballot at Lafayette Educational Center, 205 Lafayette Avenue, Fayetteville. That’s the old Fayette County High School complex.

Tyrone — All town voters will cast ballots at the one location: the Tyrone Library, 143 Commerce Drive in Tyrone.

In Brooks, no polling places will be open because the following candidates are deemed to have been reelected:

Council Post 1- Special Called Election: Rick Bell

Council Post 3: Ted H. Britt (Incumbent)

Council Post 4: Brian P. Davis (Incumbent)

Council Post 4: Todd A. Speer (Incumbent)

In Woolsey, the following unopposed candidates by state law are deemed to be reelected after Nov. 5:

Council Post 1: Kenneth N. Wright (Incumbent)

Council Post 2: Frank Carden (Incumbent)

After the polls close, you can following the counting on, as well as on the county’s homepage and on the county elections page.