Input sought on Fayette‘s countywide transportation plan

Plan cover shows Fayette's much-photographed Starr's Mill off Ga. Highway 85 South. Photo/Submitted.
Plan cover shows Fayette's much-photographed Starr's Mill off Ga. Highway 85 South. Photo/Submitted.

The public is being invited to comment in writing on the 2019 [CORRECTED date] Fayette County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP), which will be presented to the county’s six local governments for consideration.

Given that the CTP involves a countywide transportation plan, it should be noted that this study is independent of the four, on-going corridor studies for Sandy Creek Road, Tyrone Road, Banks Road and Ga. Highway 279.

The county’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan is a planning document updated periodically using funding from the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) and is an important tool in identifying and prioritizing transportation needs, recommending possible solutions and establishing a plan for project delivery and funding.

The CTP has three main sections, described below:

  • Inventory of Existing Conditions – this section of the CTP provides a snapshot of Fayette County with respect to planning documents, land use, demographics, growth projections, transportation system characteristics, existing public transportation and human service transportation (HST) services, travel demand management, freight management, and planned/programmed projects. This information creates the baseline against which proposed projects are evaluated.
  • Assessment of Current and Future Needs – this section of the report uses various data sources, such as traffic counts, crash data, growth forecasts, regional travel demand model runs, local government’s future land use plans, planned developments, public input, surveys, etc., to identify existing and future transportation needs.
  • Recommendations – this section of the CTP uses model run results, public input, findings from the Needs Assessment, the consultant’s planning and engineering experience, etc., to provide policy and project recommendations. The projects are identified by type (e.g., intersection improvement) and a recommended implementation schedule. Project costs and funding options are also discussed in this section.

After Sept. 23, the project team will review all comments and make the appropriate edits to the documents. Afterwards, the revised document will be presented to the six local governments for hopeful approval and adoption.

To view the entire transportation planning document visit

Comments on the plan can be submitted in writing through Sept. 23 to [email protected]