Tyrone Lantern Parade is Dec. 2


Tyrone Recreation will host Fayette County’s second annual Lantern Parade.  The Lantern Parade will be part of their Christmas Tree Lighting Celebration at Shamrock Park on Dec. 2 starting at 5 p.m. 

Lynda Owens, event coordinator at Tyrone Recreation, said “Last year we hosted the county’s very first Lantern Parade. We were excited with the number of participants in our workshops and the Parade so we decided to make it part of our tradition.  The Lantern Parade took place around Shamrock Lake.  The glow of the Lanterns was exciting to watch and everyone had a great time.” 

Owens continued, “This year we have made slight changes to the parade route as well as the schedule to make the parade even better.  This special evening is when we light our Christmas tree and we also have music, hot cocoa and cookies, sleigh rides and everyone can meet, Santa Claus, and get photos with him.” 

Donna Thompson, a local artist who assists with the event said, “Lantern parades are a popular event based on participation. People are invited not just to see an event, but to participate in it. It is an event for children and adults of all skill levels to show their creativity. Workshops allow participants to learn, create and share ideas with each other.”

Thompson stated,”The parade brings people together for a fun social event that helps build the cultural character of the community through creativity and inspiration. What is great for the community is the parade is an invitation for others to visit and participate in their event.  That was evident last year as some of our participants were from surrounding counties.”

To participate in the Lantern Parade you must have a lantern. The workshop is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 2. All workshops are from 11-2 p.m.

Workshops will be held at Tyrone Recreation Center at 145 Commerce Drive in Tyrone.  Additional workshops may be added if needed.  There is a $10 (cash) supply fee that covers the cost of the lantern, light and all other supplies needed to complete the lantern.

Participants must register for the workshop in order to have a supply kit. To register for the Lantern Workshop or for questions, email Lynda Owens at lowens@tyrone.org