Fayette, Peachtree City agree on Crosstown roundabout funding


The Peachtree City Council on May 17 adopted a resolution for an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Fayette County that will lead to the construction of a roundabout a Crosstown Drive and Peachtree Parkway.

Fayette County has agreed to provide $1.5 million from the remaining 2004 SPLOST (special purpose local option sales tax) revenues to finance the roundabout project. The Crosstown Drive roundabout project was included in the 2003 Fayette County Transportation Plan.

The resolution, adopted unanimously, will be sent to the Fayette County Commission for a vote.

The city agreed to fund, if needed, any costs that exceed $1.5 million for right-of-way acquisition, design, construction and project management.

While no timeline was noted, City Manager Jon Rorie said the project would move forward as rapidly as possible.

Commenting on the project, city engineer David Borkowski said a roundabout represents a safer design than one that involves a signalized intersection.

Integrated Science and Engineering founder Dan Davis at the meeting agreed, saying roundabouts present a safer alternative.