FPC kids help pack disaster kits

FPC kids help pack disaster kits

The Missions and Outreach Committee at Fayette Presbyterian Church recently held a “packing party” to create 80 disaster hygiene kits. These kits were sent to the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance headquarters to be distributed to individuals in disaster-impacted communities. Along with the adults, the church involved the kids and youth, making it a teaching moment about helping others in need. Fayette Presbyterian Church strives to provide ongoing opportunities for mission and outreach to all ages.

Shown above are some of FPC’s top hygiene kit packers: Bottom row (L-R), Audra Morris, Caroline Moses, Broecks Moses, and Jackson Nations.  Middle row (L-R), Braeden Winslett, Emory Nations, and Jacob Randle. Top row (L-R), Lily Randle, Rowena McKeogh, and Phoebe McKeogh. Photo/Special.