Bed and breakfast gets closer to reality in Fayette

Property owner Ingrid Moore-Barnes. Photo/Ben Nelms.


A rezoning request that could lead to Fayette County’s first bed and breakfast inn was approved May 25 by the Fayette County Commission.

The rezoning request was made by Sandy Creek Road resident Ingrid Moore-Barnes who wants to establish a bed and breakfast business on her property totaling 19.8 acres just west of Jenkins Road. The request asked that the R-70 (2-acre residential) be rezoned to A-R (agricultural-residential).

There was no public comment on the request and little discussion from commissioners before the unanimous vote to approve the rezoning request.

County planning staff and the Planning Commission recommended, and commissioners agreed, that approval be granted with the condition that a quit claim deed for 50 feet of right-of-way from the centerline of Sandy Creek Road by provided.

Moore-Barnes said she understood that the rezoning was the first step in the process before gaining final approval to open the business, adding that she knew there is no guarantee that a final approval would result.

“I think it’s exciting,” said Commissioner Steve Brown, noting the property’s proximity to Pinewood Atlanta Studios approximately three miles south on Sandy Creek Road.