Several cited for loitering



Peachtree City police reports for the period of May 12-18 included a group of people cited for loitering at Pebblepocket Park on Willow Road.

A police report from May 17 stated that an officer at approximately 7:15 p.m. observed eight suspicious individuals loitering behind the bathroom building at Pebblepocket Park on Willow Road.

After conducting an investigation, seven of the offenders were charged with loitering. One of the individuals was arrested on marijuana possession charges, reports said.

The individuals ranged in age from 19-35 and showed addresses from Hampton, Morrow, Riverdale, Forest Park, Jonesboro and Cape Girardeau, Missouri, according to reports.

The supervisor at a construction site on Huddleston Road reported on May 16 the theft of items with a value totaling $1,200. The theft likely occurred over the weekend, reports said.

Officers on May 14 received a report of a stolen golf cart from a South Peachtree Parkway address, police reports said.